Welcome to Buchanan High School!

The first year of high school can be a very exciting, but intimidating, time of your life. It may not seem as though participating in band, orchestra, or colorguard could really make that much difference in the overall experience. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. For most of our students, the Bandroom is the first place you go each school day and your last stop before you head home. It’s where you meet your friends and where you eat your lunch. It’s the place you go when you’ve had a rough day and need someone to talk to. The Bandroom is where we create amazing musical experiences that change lives forever. 

Why Music? Check out these videos below featuring actual students who are involved in music (and their parents!

Music in HS: Band
Music in HS: Orchestra
Music in HS: Parents

More than just music-making

We believe in the education of the whole student. In addition to musical development, we hold our students to a high standard of character and respect. Students in the instrumental music program learn the value of hard work, dedication, and teamwork. Even beyond life skills, we instill a high degree of character into our instrumental music students. Everything we do is geared to help our students mature into young adults who are prepared for the next phase of their life. 

Getting into college is tough! Even colleges like Stanford are looking for a student with more than good grades to show for their time in high school:

“We want to see the energy and depth of commitment you will bring to your endeavors, whether that means in a research lab, while being part of a community organization, during a performance, or on an athletic field.”
Stanford Admissions Website).

Most of our students would say that being involved in instrumental music has been a key part of their college preparation. 

Life-Changing Experiences

How could being involved in music make such a difference? Buchanan Instrumental Music Graduates are attending or have been accepted to nearly every major college/university in the state as well as several highly regarded universities around the country. When asked, they would say that instrumental music played a huge role in their lives during high school. We promise you the same thing: four exciting years of thrilling performances, exciting trips, and friendships that will last a life time. 

The following links have a wealth of information about our program, Buchanan, and planning the next four years of high school. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us anytime.

The School Year at a glance...

Fall • August to November

The school year begins and Marching Band is in full swing. Football games, competitions, and CUSD Band Night highlight an exciting fall! The orchestra and jazz programs have fall concerts and a festival experience. Winter Guard and Winter Percussion auditions are held in November.

Winter • December & November

The Band marches in the Clovis Christmas Parade and all of our concert groups are featured in the Buchanan and Alta Sierra Performing Arts Concerts. Winter Guard and Winter Percussion are in season and we host all of our area elementary band and orchestra students for two area concerts in January. All of the concert groups and jazz bands prepare for adjudicated festivals and performances, and jazz bands get to play holiday gigs.


Early Spring • February & March

“March Madness” commences as all of our ensembles have several concerts and adjudicated festivals. Winterguard and Winter Percussion compete at several competitions through February and March. The San Joaquin Valley Jazz Festival is a major community event hosted by the Buchanan Area Jazz Program, and occurs at the end of February.

End of the Year

The band marches in the Rodeo Parade as we look toward closing out our festival season as well as end-of-the-year concerts, graduation, and summer!

Can you do music in high school and still go to college? Yes! Click the link below to see how.